The last couple of days we’ve had the privilege of Joanna Johnson from Montana teaching us how to make coffee. So, this morning we enjoyed the ‘first fruits’ of the Lighthouse. Caramel Latte’s, Cappuccino’s and Flat whites. Joanna also helped create an instructional video on how to make a Latte.

Mirjam and Gampon are excited the Lighthouse will open soon.

Sean steaming the milk for our coffee.

Also, the furniture has arrived and we’re putting the finishing touches on the decor. Lighthouse will be ready to open in about a month.

Relax in a beach front atmosphere… 1000kms from the beach

Gampon, Tongkham and Mirjam prepping the Internet Cafe.

Lighthouse Garden Fountain.

All photos by Joanna Johnson. Thanks Joanna for your help and allowing us to use the photos.Posted by Anne at 3:44 PM