Self Publish Your Own Book

Have you ever wanted to write and publish a book but were daunted by the process? This guide will explain the process to create, typeset, and hyperlink your book to submit it for self-publishing. Over time I will enhance this with any further tips I learn along the...

American poor are the worlds middle class

I just read something that horrified me. It is the idea that one person is better or more deserving than another. It is not a new thought but it still angers me. I believe that the fundamental evil built into every religion outside of true Christianity is this...

What Title Should Thai People Give Me

Ahjahn vs Phii When I arrived I was immediately called ahjahn. I secretly loved it. I really enjoyed standing in front of the church and being told how appreciated I was. Over time I noticed that nobody ever confided in me. Also, I noticed that the original group of...

House churches vs Cell Groups

House church background Revival in India and China can be attributed to this method. Missionaries tried to start a Church Planting Movement (CPM) in both of those nations only to be met with resistance by the organized church. They went off on their own and now there...

14 Truths about Parenthood

Before you have a baby there is so much that you need to know but no matter how hard you prepare there will always be surprises. Sleeping like a baby means: Sleeping peacefully for a couple of hours and then screaming at the top of your lungs for a few hours more....