Short Story: Disorganized Crime

I’m paying my way through college with the poker money I make from my dorm-mate. I hate his guts and not merely because he is filthy rich, but because he doesn’t know the value of money. He scatters it like seeds, instead of putting it to good use. Rodriguez is the...

Short Story: Mr. Stinkypants

The waiting room is sterile. There are no anvils, ACME products or any life-giving melodrama. Some humans are full of inspiration. Not these humans. The producer is a full on J.E.R.K. who doesn’t understand the value of talent. I hate waiting. How do humans endure it?...

14 Truths about Parenthood

Before you have a baby there is so much that you need to know but no matter how hard you prepare there will always be surprises. Sleeping like a baby means: Sleeping peacefully for a couple of hours and then screaming at the top of your lungs for a few hours more....