Before you have a baby there is so much that you need to know but no matter how hard you prepare there will always be surprises.

  1. Sleeping like a baby means: Sleeping peacefully for a couple of hours and then screaming at the top of your lungs for a few hours more.
  2. Sleep moves from your list of needs to your list of wants.
  3. Trash cans: The easier it is for you to throw those diapers away the easier it is for your child to eat them.
  4. Toilet guard: One more thing to accidentally pee on. And your guests won’t know how to use it so they will break your toilet trying to get the latch open.
  5. Clear Plug guards: Very irritating if you are plugging in a night light in the dark.
  6. Baby Barriers: Easy to trip over.
  7. Strollers: Mold magnets.
  8. Poo: It gets smellier as your child gets older.
  9. Babies only smell like babies after you put baby lotions and powders on them.
  10. People who say it is financially easy to squeeze a baby into your budget‚ clearly have big budgets.
  11. You sterilize their milk bottles but let them drink yucky bath water.
  12. Expensive toys= useless, cardboard=very useful, expensive adult toys like remote controls and cell phones= invaluable
  13. Each child is such an individual that baby books are mostly useless.
  14. Potty training is really Parent training.