by Sean | Aug 11, 2022 | HomePage, humor, mission work, missionary kids, writing
Contributions from Sean Sanborn, Susan McKinney, the Ron Hudson family (It’s been so long I can’t completely remember which Items I wrote back in the 1990’s.) General You know that you are an MK when, of all the places we could be surfing on the...
by Sean | Oct 22, 2017 | humor, writing
The black flux-capacitated train lifted into the air, made a few abrupt turns and sped into the void of time. Marty and Jennifer stood below, staring in awe and wondering where Doc. Brown and his family would go next. Now that the Delorean had been destroyed, Marty...
by Sean | Sep 22, 2017 | christian, humor, My books, writing
As the village of MaeSaamLaep disappeared behind them, Chaz heard the piercing whistles and caws of jungle birds welcoming them, or perhaps warning them. The jungle noises dissipated as the sounds of the Salaween River took over. The water’s current was oddly gentle...
by Sean | Aug 25, 2016 | humor, writing
Australians are a fantastic people with a wicked sense of humor. By the end of my senior year, I was the best rugby player in High School. Sadly, after years of training, I found myself stranded. Not one university in my state had a team, so I applied to attend...
by Sean | Jun 2, 2016 | children, humor, writing
There is a secret word that people use to describe when a baby throws-up on you. It is called “Posit.” It may be short for “deposit” but it is nothing like the experience you get when putting money in the bank. It is more like the experience you have when asking for a...
by Sean | May 6, 2016 | humor, writing
Dappled afternoon light seeps through my angled window blinds. I close my eyes and sigh as my cartoonish theme song mysteriously begins to play. It somehow always let’s me know when a new case is about to begin. On cue, there is a knock at my door. “Come on in,” I...