by Sean | Aug 11, 2022 | HomePage, humor, mission work, missionary kids, writing
Contributions from Sean Sanborn, Susan McKinney, the Ron Hudson family (It’s been so long I can’t completely remember which Items I wrote back in the 1990’s.) General You know that you are an MK when, of all the places we could be surfing on the...
by Sean | Sep 22, 2020 | HomePage, My books, Technology, writing
Have you ever wanted to write and publish a book but were daunted by the process? This guide will explain the process to create, typeset, and hyperlink your book to submit it for self-publishing. Over time I will enhance this with any further tips I learn along the...
by Sean | Jul 16, 2020 | HomePage, mission work
I just read something that horrified me. It is the idea that one person is better or more deserving than another. It is not a new thought but it still angers me. I believe that the fundamental evil built into every religion outside of true Christianity is this...
by Sean | Jul 13, 2013 | HomePage, mission work, thailand
Ahjahn vs Phii When I arrived I was immediately called ahjahn. I secretly loved it. I really enjoyed standing in front of the church and being told how appreciated I was. Over time I noticed that nobody ever confided in me. Also, I noticed that the original group of...
by Sean | Jun 28, 2011 | bible, christian, HomePage, mission work
House church background Revival in India and China can be attributed to this method. Missionaries tried to start a Church Planting Movement (CPM) in both of those nations only to be met with resistance by the organized church. They went off on their own and now there...
by Sean | Jun 27, 2011 | children, HomePage, humor
Before you have a baby there is so much that you need to know but no matter how hard you prepare there will always be surprises. Sleeping like a baby means: Sleeping peacefully for a couple of hours and then screaming at the top of your lungs for a few hours more....