Short Story: Trapped in Heaven

I have everything I ever sought after but I never thought it would look like this. I live in a paradise of Hell. My house, husband and children are beautiful but I fear for my life. My name is Bella and this is my story. My summer as a chalet girl was the fulcrum of...

Short Story: Lazy Angel

“Ah shoot!” Jaethra sat up and yawned. Why do Cherubim have to take everything so seriously? Pergolia burst into the room. “Quickly to your post! We must defend the heavenly realm from our brethren.” He thrust his glowing sword high into the air as if he were somehow...

Short Story: It’s not personal. It’s just business.

I thought dying would hurt. Instead, it felt more like waking up. I stood beside the wreckage of my new Mercedes and felt a detached concern as I looked over at my mangled corpse. It was clear I was long past salvation. A crackle of energy behind me made me whip...

Short Story: I am not crazy! They Chose Me!

I don’t know what’s real anymore. What if I am the only real entity of my kind on this planet and everyone else is an alien spying on me. No wait! Please don’t go. I don’t mean you. Maybe it’s just the two of us or a handful of us. Maybe it’s only the poor people on...

Short Story: Positively Gross

There is a secret word that people use to describe when a baby throws-up on you. It is called “Posit.” It may be short for “deposit” but it is nothing like the experience you get when putting money in the bank. It is more like the experience you have when asking for a...

Short Story: Go-Go-Gadget Castle Rescue

Dappled afternoon light seeps through my angled window blinds. I close my eyes and sigh as my cartoonish theme song mysteriously begins to play. It somehow always let’s me know when a new case is about to begin. On cue, there is a knock at my door. “Come on in,” I...