I don’t know what’s real anymore. What if I am the only real entity of my kind on this planet and everyone else is an alien spying on me. No wait! Please don’t go. I don’t mean you. Maybe it’s just the two of us or a handful of us. Maybe it’s only the poor people on this planet. My name is Alice and this is my story.

Watching. All the time the others are watching us and studying us and sometimes even far worse invasions. I sound crazy, I know. I am crazy. No wait! Please don’t go. I really need someone to listen to my story, even if you are one of the others.

Doctors use big words like schizophrenia and hallucinations to describe my condition. I don’t have a condition! I mean if my nightmares are real, then I am merely a news reporter. But nobody will listen to the real news. I am Paul Revere shouting, “The aliens are coming! They’re coming!” Why won’t anyone listen? It’s all real you know? It could happen to you. It may already have happened to you.

For as long as I can remember, dark half-moons haunted the lower side of my eyes. Sleep was elusive, despite the pills, alcohol, and other strategies it has taken a lifetime to develop. I used to force myself to sleep. Shut up! I am not paranoid and I am not an alcoholic! Wait! I you must hear this. I’m sorry for the outburst. You really need to know my story. Crazy is when your lens of the world is clear and if you are correct, then they must come and shut you up. And for the other normals, the other fodder, they cannot hear you, for the truth is too terrifying.

A hypnotist named John was recommended to me. He wasn’t a judgemental jerk like the others. My insurance wouldn’t cover hypno-therapy, so I worked many long hours bagging groceries to earn his assistance.

It was through hypno-therapy that I learned about my alien abductions. Since I was a little girl, the Greys, you know, the big-headed, big-eyed, small bodied aliens, have been snatching me and researching my curvy body. They must be into Body-chelli’s. Listen, I am not crazy, but if I am, they made me go crazy.

All this next part, I learned under hypnosis. Just as I would fall asleep, a bright green light would flash outside. I would hear a loud whirring, grinding sound. My eyes would open but my body would become an immovable rigid board. I’d try to scream, but the words wouldn’t come.

Then I’d glide along the hallway, down the stairs, and out to my front yard. The doors would open and close automatically as I floated past. A yellow tractor beam would suck me up and I’d fall asleep. Later, I’d wake and watch as they extracted eggs from my ovaries. Then I’d fall asleep and reawaken in my bed, completely ignorant of the abduction.

For years, I had no idea this was happening to me. Please, don’t open this can of worms with hypno-therapy unless you have a lot of money for it and a strong ability to face the truth of your nightmares. You’re better off being one of the ignorant sheeple who doesn’t comprehend their imminent doom.

How could I let it alone? I had to know the truth. I had to scratch the scab right off. The result gave me a high, bigger and more expensive than crack cocaine. The rabbit tunnel of my life opened before me and each revelation only brought me more questions. Why am I the only one supposedly awake to this truth when everyone else is happily asleep.

The events of my life began to make far more sense, seeing that my journey was controlled. I even remember meeting my beautiful, hybrid daughter. On one abduction, I met Jal’ah. She is half human and half Grey. How could I not know I had a child? She is the best of me. Stop it! I am not crazy!

I was going to tell you of the hidden government conspiracy and their war with the Greys. They have me bugged and watched at every turn. But your judgement against me is unbearable. You haven’t earned the right to hear about that.

Today, I shall make the aliens reveal themselves to my conscious mind. I am their valuable petri dish. If I threaten my life with suicide, then the Anunnaki will come to me and take me away to their planet Nibiru to be with my daughter. When I jump from the skyscraper, all will be revealed. Goodbye…….