Book 2 Excerpt: Wee Chu Fat

As the village of MaeSaamLaep disappeared behind them, Chaz heard the piercing whistles and caws of jungle birds welcoming them, or perhaps warning them. The jungle noises dissipated as the sounds of the Salaween River took over. The water’s current was oddly gentle...

House churches vs Cell Groups

House church background Revival in India and China can be attributed to this method. Missionaries tried to start a Church Planting Movement (CPM) in both of those nations only to be met with resistance by the organized church. They went off on their own and now there...

Jonathan dies of Asthma in 2002

I will attempt to recount what happened from my perspective. On the Saturday of the tragedy, we had intended to have a workday at the base for YWAM CM staff. When we heard that the DTS was going to the waterfall, we decided to change our plans, since one of our staff...