Self Publish Your Own Book

Have you ever wanted to write and publish a book but were daunted by the process? This guide will explain the process to create, typeset, and hyperlink your book to submit it for self-publishing. Over time I will enhance this with any further tips I learn along the...

American poor are the worlds middle class

I just read something that horrified me. It is the idea that one person is better or more deserving than another. It is not a new thought but it still angers me. I believe that the fundamental evil built into every religion outside of true Christianity is this...

Short Story: Back From the Future

The black flux-capacitated train lifted into the air, made a few abrupt turns and sped into the void of time. Marty and Jennifer stood below, staring in awe and wondering where Doc. Brown and his family would go next. Now that the Delorean had been destroyed, Marty...